Tableau pulse is the latest innovation in data visualization and in the landscape of data analytics, tableau pulse is a tool that transforms raw data into actionable insights.

Tableau pulse is the cutting-edge addition developed by Tableau, a leading innovator in the field of business intelligence and analytics. Tableau Pulse is a reimagined data experience that makes data more accessible to everyone regardless of their expertise with data visualization tools. Tableau pulse enables users to create interactive visualizations that discover the hidden patterns, trends and generate insights with the data.

Businesses must quickly adopt to data driven decision making, AI, automation etc., because the growth gap between businesses who use data for decision making and who don’t is exponential. With the fast paced technological advancements, it’s important for businesses to adopt and integrate technology in everyday decision making. Businesses who do not adopt will be left behind faster than predicted. Employees have to be trained to use data for decision making. With Tableau pulse, each employee gets personalized, contextual inputs directly. This specifically helps employees who do not have a lot of time for learning and training, but still need data for real time decision making.

1. Tableau Pulse allows users analyze layers of data by adjusting the filters and exploring various aspects in one go as one of the most important feature of tableau pulse is interactivity. It helps in solving complex questions easily.

2. As companies have various sources of data generation, Tableau pulse integrates all the sources from data bases to spreadsheets to cloud based data. This provides a single source of access and analysis all the generated data.

3. Tableau pulse offers advanced analytics and calculations – predicting and statistical analysis can be performed in the tool itself. Tableau pulse empowers users to generate maximum output with the data.

4. Sharing insights in real-time becomes tedious in organizations, Tableau pulse has seamless collaboration features which helps in easy collaboration and sharing of insights between the teams. This helps teams in working better together, aligning the combined efforts and insights across organizations.

5. Tableau pulse ensures data safety with encryption, governance and compliance certifications. Its built-in governance features allows admins to control users, usage permissions and implement data policies.


Tableau pulse is here to shape the future of how organizations use the power of data for data driven business success. Tableau pulse offers clarity and insight. As a Tableau Gold Partner, CRG Solutions has the experience of BI and expertise with Tableau Software to quickly provide you with solutions that enable you to get informed and make decisions. Get in touch with our experts today.

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