Business Intelligence


Business Intelligence

It’s More Than Just Software

The concept of Business Intelligence is Simple

Get the right information to the right decision-makers at the right time.

The Solution is not as Simple

Companies have islands of data spread across multiple systems and data sources, which can make it difficult to achieve a unified view of company data. We call them DRIPs (Data Rich but Information Poor).

Our Areas Of Expertise

We have built a wide area of expertise, covering all important streams within the field of Analytics & Information Management. With expertise ranging from Big Data Management to Advanced Analytics to Data Discovery & Visualization, it is our goal to bring critical information at the fingertips of decision makers like sales, finance, services, and operations, so that trends and opportunities are available and actionable.

Cross-system expertise

Proven methodology

Leading BI solutions

Vertical market experience

Our Areas Of Expertise

We have built a wide area of expertise, covering all important streams within the field of Analytics & Information Management. With expertise ranging from Big Data Management to Advanced Analytics to Data Discovery & Visualization, it is our goal to bring critical information at the fingertips of decision makers like sales, finance, services, and operations, so that trends and opportunities are available and actionable.

Cross-system expertise

Proven methodology

Leading BI solutions

Vertical market experience

Our Core Services

We understand what it takes to deliver end to end solution. We have all for you under one umbrella.

Data Preparation

As much as 80% of time is wasted preparing data for analytics. The pursuit of actionable insights is accelerated with data that is clean and statistically sound. We give your data strategy a head-start with our data preparation services.

Data Visualization

Supercharge your Business Intelligence strategy. We help global enterprises build a robust data strategy and visualize their data to gain a deep understanding of their business and improve performance.

Customized Solutions

Not everything desired can be achieved with packaged data analysis tools and software. We help you achieve out of the box with customised solutions on top of the products we use for building the right solution for you

Our Core Services

We understand what it takes to deliver end to end solution. We have all for you under one umbrella.

Data Preparation

As much as 80% of time is wasted preparing data for analytics. The pursuit of actionable insights is accelerated with data that is clean and statistically sound. We give your data strategy a head-start with our data preparation services.

Data Visualization

Supercharge your Business Intelligence strategy. We help global enterprises build a robust data strategy and visualize their data to gain a deep understanding of their business and improve performance.

Customized Solutions

Not everything desired can be achieved with packaged data analysis tools and software. We help you achieve out of the box with customised solutions on top of the products we use for building the right solution for you

Delivery Framework Visual Analytics

We use the best in class methodology including building data warehouses and data lakes as well as bringing world class reporting and analytical tools that best fit your needs. We provide an end to end solution — from data to visualization.


Data Transformation

Organizations like …. have proven that when you integrate data and systems into a robust analytics strategy, it is possible to transform your business and gain a huge competitive advantage, boost profitability, and maximize shareholder value.

We partner with our customers to solve complex business challenges by bringing the right balance of consulting, technology and services. We help you build a comprehensive analytics strategy right from data to visualization .

Descriptive Analytics

With the huge volumes of data – big data, any data – available to businesses these days, companies are struggling to extract meaning and improve decision making. We help businesses choose the best data analytics options and develop the right self-service analytics solution that enables teams to analyse ‘what happened?’

Predictive Analytics

We help our customers effectively integrate predictive analytics and data mining into the full analytics lifecycle and build a powerful, secure and flexible analytics solution.  Armed with Alteryx, R and Python skills, our team helps  your data analysts and data scientists to impact future outcomes across your organisation.

Prescriptive Analytics

By helping our customers apply complex prescriptive analytics to business scenarios, we help business leaders take action accurately based on simulated outcomes and optimized alternatives based on business constraints.

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