Alteryx Data Workout

Transition from Excel Reporting to Modern Day Finance Analytics


21 May, 2020 | Time: 14:30 – 16:30 IST


4 June, 2020 | Time: 14:30 – 16:30 IST


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Join this Hands-on Webinar to learn how to shift from time consuming Excel tasks and into high value-add insights with Alteryx, without writing a single line of code.

In this Data Workout Session, you will discover how to

Automate time-consuming, manual, and repetitive excel data tasks

Identify broken or inefficient data processes

Deliver real-time, forward-thinking insights to the business, quickly

Liberate your time, unleash your productivity through Workflow-based data analysis

Derive insights with the ease you’ve always dreamed of – saving you time every day

In this Data Workout Session, you will discover how to

As finance professionals, you spend countless hours manipulating and merging data from numerous spreadsheets. Wouldn’t you rather be spending your precious time on more impactful activities like Financial Analysis and Forecasting? Wouldn’t you rather overcome Excel Limitations and automate repetitive tasks, bring data from several sources without breaking, do a union without the risk of duplication, take up data aggregation of varying granularity with ease?

Prepare for the Hands-On Data Workout Sessions

With Alteryx 3-part Live Webinar Series: Simplifying Analytics in Finance

Tuesdays | 12 May – 9 June | 10:30 – 11:30 IST

12 May


Balance Sheet Analysis in Action

Learn how to access financial data in a single platform to prepare, blend, analyze and improve the accuracy and efficiency of your balance sheet analysis with repeatable, automated analytics processes.

26 May


Finance Reporting and Control

Transforming raw accounting data and entries into usable and comparable financial statements and reports is integral to delivering business insights. Learn how with self-service analytics.

9 June


Risk Management

Risk to the bottom line of your business can come from anywhere: from currency and interest rate fluctuations, to market volatility, to operational failures in the supply chain. Learn how to analyze and plan for these potential risks to mitigate impact.


Download Alteryx Free for the Data Workout Session
“It has been an amazing transition for my team to start using Alteryx — to go from manual, tedious, cumbersome processes where we still didn’t have insight into the data to a world where we have self-service analytics”

– Dawn Rinehart, Total Cost of Ownership Manager at Daimler Trucks

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