In the growing era of business technology, staying ahead of the curve is often an uphill task for businesses. In the current times, businesses are also forced to use cutting-edge solutions. And today, Edge Computing has become the power house which brings processing power closer to the data collection source. 

ETL or the Extract, Transform, Load and ELT, the Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) strategies, when integrated with Edge Computing becomes a powerful combination that transforms businesses and enables them extract and use their data.

Edge Computing:

Edge Computing is collection of data directly on devices and computing it at source, reducing load on computers and optimizing bandwidth. This approach is beneficial in situations where real-time decision-making is important. IOT (Internet of Things) plays a major role in this approach. Organizations that need real time information to make business decisions are hugely benefitted with edge computing. Edge computing helps businesses in improving safety, automating processes and improving customer experience.

ETL and ELT:

ETL and ELT are the two processes in storing data in data warehouses. Businesses collect huge amounts of data in different forms from websites, response to ads feedbacks, social media accounts, customer reviews, enterprise resource planning (ERP), employee updates and more. All the data has to be stored and processed to make informed decisions. 

ELT is a process which collects all the raw data and stores it in data warehouses and transforms this into business insights. This often helps businesses by handling extracting, loading and transforming data.

ETLis a process which doesn’t load raw data, but the data is processed at source. The data is collected from multiple sources, transformed and then loaded to data warehouse. ETLcannot handle large amounts of data as it transforms data at source. 

Integration of Edge Computing with ETL and ELT Strategies

  1. Edge computing processes critical data instantly and provides opportunity for real-time decision making at the source of data collection. But with ELT and ETL, this data will be structured and can be easily integrated to analytics.
  2. Edge computing processes large amounts of data at source or edge due to which transferring large amounts of raw data is reduced. Only processed and relevant data is added to data warehouse. 
  3. Combining Edge Computing with ELT and ETL gives businesses flexibility in handling the data. Businesses can handle the ever changing need of different data types and also accommodate the growth and analytics need.
  4. Edge computing passes security concerns by processing the data at source. ETL and ELT ensure that the data added to the data warehouse meets the regulatory standard and also that any sensitive information collected is omitted before adding it to data warehouse. 

Today, data driven business’s revenues are 70% higher than their competitors. It’s time organisations used a combination of strategies to overcome the drawback of individual strategy. This increases the ability of businesses to make real-time decisions and establishes safe, secure, scalable data management processes and has become increasingly important for continued business success.

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