Quick Summary

The implementation of Pixel Perfect revolutionizes compliance reporting for Indian banking institutions, turning a complex, resource-draining process into a streamlined, reliable operation. This not only ensures stringent adherence to regulatory standards but also frees up resources, allowing the bank to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.

About the Customer

A prominent banking institution operates nationwide with a vast network of branches. The bank is subject to stringent regulatory oversight by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and must comply with various local regulations such as the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), RBI prudential norms, and Basel III compliance.

Problem Statement

The bank faces several critical challenges:

  • Complex Data Aggregation: Integrating and consolidating financial data from different branches and systems across India often results in data discrepancies and integrity issues.
  • Dynamic Regulatory Requirements: Keeping up with frequent updates and changes in regulatory requirements mandated by the RBI and other financial authorities.
  • Resource-Intensive Processes: These processes require extensive manual labor to compile, review, and submit accurate reports, which consume significant time and financial resources.


Pixel-Perfect Implementation

To address these challenges, the bank implemented Pixel Perfect, integrating it with their existing Tableau systems to automate and enhance reporting processes.

  • Automated Report Generation: Pixel Perfect automates the extraction of financial data from various systems within the bank, organizing it into compliant report formats for different regulatory needs.
  • Customizable Templates: The bank leverages Pixel Perfect’s robust template features to develop reports that meet specific guidelines for each regulatory requirement, ensuring compliance.
  • Scheduled and Event-Driven Reporting: Automation includes setting schedules for regular reports and creating triggers for event-driven reports (e.g., large transactions that require immediate reporting under PMLA).

Implementation Steps

  • System Integration: To enable real-time data collection and reporting, Pixel Perfect integrates with the bank’s core banking software, CRM, and other operational systems.
  • Template Design and Customization: IT and compliance teams collaborate to design and customize report templates specifically tailored to meet RBI guidelines and other regulatory frameworks.
  • Training and Roll-out: Conducting training sessions for compliance officers and IT staff on managing and updating report templates and schedules. CRG Solutions roll out Pixel Perfect across all branches to ensure standardized reporting.

Business Benefits

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