Quick Summary

The bank is a dynamic player in Indian banking due to its commitment to technical innovation, client happiness, and financial inclusion. CRG Solutions has improved operational and financial efficiency and transparency for procurement phase 2. These advances have improved management decisions, compliance, and vendor relations, showing the importance of technology in modern corporate management.

About the Customer

A prominent private bank is committed to optimizing its operational and financial management processes. This initiative launched the Procurement Phase 2 project, leveraging advanced data visualization techniques to enhance budget tracking, payment processes, and personnel management across various departments and units.

Problem Statement

Before CRG Solutions offered and implemented advanced visualization dashboards, the bank faced several challenges. Some of the challenges were:

  • The inefficient tracking of budget utilization resulted in frequent overruns and misallocations.
  • Delays in processing payments, especially for MSMEs, affected vendor relationships and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Inadequate visualization of personnel data complicates resource allocation and workforce planning.


To address these challenges, the bank introduced a series of sophisticated visualization tools integrated into their management dashboards:

  • Opex Budget Utilization: Using treemaps, donuts, waterfalls, and bubble charts to provide a multi-dimensional view of budget allocation and spending across different business units and categories.
  • MSME Invoice to Payment Tracking: A dedicated dashboard to monitor the TAT for MSME payments, featuring detailed tracking of invoice progress and analytics on payment performance.
  • Personnel Data Visualization: Dashboards that display FTE and FTC data using state maps and donut charts to facilitate better decision-making regarding personnel management.

The implementation involved several key steps:

  • Collaborating with the IT and financial departments to integrate data sources into a centralized dashboard.
  • Conducting training sessions for department heads and tech leads to familiarizing them with the new tools.
  • Regular feedback cycles are implemented to refine the dashboards based on user experience and effectiveness.

Implementing focused analytics solutions empowered the media company to make strategic decisions that significantly boosted the OTT platform’s performance.

  • Improved Content Strategy: Understanding viewer preferences led to a more engaging content lineup, enhancing viewer satisfaction and engagement.
  • Revenue Growth: Financial operations became more streamlined through detailed revenue and cost analysis, resulting in improved profitability.
  • Operational Efficiency: Data-informed decisions facilitated better resource allocation and operational practices.
  • Strengthened Market Position: The platform leveraged unique insights to bolster its competitive edge and value proposition.

Business Benefits

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