Contract & Agreement Document Extraction and Validation

Today’s increased speed of business has put unprecedented demands on corporate teams – legal, procurement, operations, sales, marketing – who are asked to reconcile, negotiate and approve contracts in record time. While at the same time the risks of fraud and tampering have only increased. There is an urgent need to enable teams to work faster and more efficiently, along with the visibility and insight to better manage risk and enforce compliance across an entire portfolio of contracts. This bot helps to find out anomalies in contracts and agreements by extracting Master and Executive PDF agreements.

Top Benefits

Improve the teams productivity by reducing manual efforts
Fast and reduces cost per error
100% Accurate

How it Works?

  • This BOT extracts clauses from the Master contract/agreement (PDF version) copies and saves as a Master Extract.
  • Customer Signed Agreement Copies which were sent to end user / customer are extracted by the BOT and compared with the Master Extract.
  • Any tampering found in the customer signed contract/agreement copy is captured and highlighted as a Message Box as an output.
  • Loop is closed with the BOT sending email to the user with the identified anomalies with attached text file.

Powered on Automation Anywhere Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platform, this bot is available for ready download on the Bot Store.

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